Traverse Systems

BMW Aschheim

The automotive wind tunnel is a full scale aerodyna­mic wind tunnel. The max wind speed is 288 km/h. The traverse was installed at BMW, Aschheim, Germany in 1996.

The traverse system is based on the same type as the IVK: 2YXZ-traverse.

The system has up to four additional rotational axes.

The construction is optimized with FEA to achieve low blockage, high natural frequency and high stiffness. The system has excellent stability performance in the wind, due to the high natural frequency of the con­struction, as well as the connection to the building.

The side view shows how the traverse is con­nected to the building at points where the walls are supported by the horizontal ceiling.
In addition the walls are significantly reinforced.

Raagaard ApS


+45 2085 7000

© 2013 Raagaard ApS

Diplomvej 372

DK-2800 Lyngby